The War Abroad Ethnic Cleansing Under The 'Rules-Based International Order' The wages of impunity are found in telegraphing the removal of Palestinians from their land en masse
The War Abroad Blowback Like Never Before Will Follow A U.S. Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza Trump is proposing unambiguous ethnic cleansing. That will mean oceans of blood
The War at Home Elon Musk and The Security State's Uvalde Moment “We have a Constitutional crisis, period," says NSA whistleblower Tom Drake, who can't help but notice how the three-letter agencies that went after him aren't stopping this.
The War at Home Trump’s Guantánamo Expansion for Migrants Reopens Old Wounds The facility’s long reputation for sadism must mean its closing
The War at Home The Wages of Leaving Guantanamo Open Have Arrived It was always going to be a matter of time until someone filled it up again. Know your rights
The War at Home The CIA Bends The Knee To Trump The agency’s new take on COVID-19's origin won't be the last time it alters its product to please him. PLUS: Warrantless 'backdoor’ searches under Section 702 ruled unconstitutional!
Paid-members only Chromium Cover IRON MAN #4: Inside The Issue Ironheart. The Scarlet Witch. A certain Chicago warehouse complex. Let's talk about the new issue, on sale now, and spoil everything
The War at Home Mass Deportation’s War-on-Terror DNA Get ready for the deportation task forces, the expansion of for-profit cages, and Muslim Ban 3.0. PLUS! RIP to whatever remained of the Anti-Defamation League's credibility!
The War Abroad Israel's War in Gaza Was Destined To Fail Of course it has already produced nearly as many fighters as before. Palestinian resistance ends with Palestinian freedom
The War Abroad Biden, Through The Devastation of Gaza, Argues For His Legacy His last foreign-policy speech whistled past the graveyard he helped fill. PLUS: Tulsi Gabbard's predictable newfound love for warrantless surveillance!
Paid-members only Zeteo Did Afghanistan War Crimes Contribute to Soldier’s Cybertruck Detonation in Las Vegas? (Director's Cut) Consider my latest Zeteo column a sequel to Monday's edition on New Orleans. Plus developments from Iraq, Syria and… Greenland
The War at Home Houston's Muslims Are Not to Blame for the New Orleans Attack When the killer is a Muslim, too much journalism retreats to a disgraceful 9/11-era template of collective responsibility. Enough
Paid-members only Chromium Cover Iron Man #3: Inside The Issue It's the conclusion of the Stark-Roxxon War, our first arc. That's not a lot of runway to land a plane. Did we make it? Spoilers for the whole comic follow
Paid-members only Zeteo Syria's Far Falestin Prison Contains U.S. Torture Secrets And for subscribers, here's my new column for Zeteo, out of which the first essay sprang. We need what Assad did for the CIA to come to light
The War at Home Exiting Luigi’s Mansion A young man murdered a healthcare CEO. A lot of people are pretending to be confused about it
The War Abroad After Assad: A Q&A from Damascus A tyrant is gone. A million questions remain. A reporter on the ground in the Syrian capital speaks to FOREVER WARS
The War at Home Check To See What Apps Your iPhone Is Training AI On And here's a step-by-step guide to disabling them. FOREVER WARS does some News You Can Use
The War Abroad The Other War In Aleppo Awkwardly for the next NATO meeting, Turkey's Syrian proxies might soon be in open combat with the U.S.' Syrian proxies. Equilibrium is a fleeting thing in an unsettled war
Paid-members only Chromium Cover Iron Man #2: Inside The Issue The official canonical story of how Tony Stark got a giant sword—and more secrets revealed! Read at your own risk, because I'm spoiling the whole comic book
The War Abroad From Trump To Harris, Political Silence on a Normalized Guantanamo In this guest post, former Guantanamo detainee and award-winning author Mansoor Adayfi reflects on the disappearance of the wartime prison as a U.S. political issue
The War Abroad International Law Strikes Back at The 'Rules-Based International Order' The ICC warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant are a seismic shock to U.S. global hegemony even if the war criminals are never brought to The Hague
The War Abroad 'The Doctor Told Us We Had To Choose Between The Girl And Her Leg' Another shattering documentary from al-Jazeera's Fault Lines challenges us to experience Israel's genocide in Gaza through the eyes of a wounded child
The War at Home Biden's AI Spying Rules Are A Last Gift of Power To Trump Seems like a bad idea to introduce artificial intelligence into surveillance while the next president focuses on retribution. But Great Power Competition wills it
The War at Home The Most Dangerous Domestic Antiterrorism Bill Since The PATRIOT Act A bill to designate nonprofits "terrorist supporting organizations" failed this week. It'll be back soon, writes Darryl Li
Paid-members only Dullard's Diagnosis GUEST COLUMN! These Cabinet Picks Make Me Wonder If Trump Is Serious About Peace Legendary columnist François Dullard blesses FOREVER WARS with a revival of "Dullard's Diagnosis"! PLUS: As the world burns, it's time for a Based Rules International Order